The disturbance caused by manually operated single spark on demand electronic gas igniters, which operate only when a switch included for the purpose of mains connection or disconnection operates, is to be disregarded according to (for instance central heating boilers and gas fires are excluded, but not cooking equipment).
Produce 10 single sparks with not less than 2 s between sparks. If any click exceeds 200 ms, the continuous disturbance limits of tables 1 and 2 apply. When the conditions of the click duration in "instantaneous switching" are fulfilled, it is assumed that the click rate is not more than five and there is no limit on the amplitude of the click produced.
Otherwise, the click limit Lq shall be collated as in using an empirical click rate N = 2. This click rate is an assumed practical value, which gives a click limit Lq 24 dB above the continuous disturbance limit L.
The igniter shall be tested for 40 sparks with a minimum of 2 s between each spark, applying the calculated click limit Lq and assessed by the upper quartile method (see
Operate the igniter to produce 10 sparks. 操作点火器产生10次打火
If either,
a) any disturbance exceeds 200 ms, or
b) any disturbance is not separated from a subsequent disturbance or click by at least 200 ms, the continuous disturbance limit of tables 1 and 2 applies.
When measuring continuous disturbances the igniter appliance shall be switched on during the whole test. A resistive load of 2 kΩ shall be placed across the discharge path.
all clicks are less than 10 ms, it is assumed that the click rate N is not more than five and in accordance with, there is no limit on the amplitude of the clicks produced.
NOTE If one of the 10 clicks has a duration more than 10 ms but less than 20 ms for the application of the exception in, the duration of at least 40 clicks has to be evaluated.
the exception in cannot be applied, the click limit Lq shall be calculated as in using an empirical rate N = 2. This click rate is an assumed practical value which gives a click limit Lq of 24 dB above the continuous disturbance limit L. Radiating equipment for personal care as appliances incorporating gas-discharge lamps, e.g. for therapeutic purposes, like ultra-violet and ozone lamps, see CISPR 15.